How to install Odoo11 – Community version?

Hello guys. As you know that Odoo released new version Odoo11, I would like to show you how to install Odoo11 Community version.

First, create an Odoo11 user:

# useradd -m -g sudo -s /bin/bash odoo11
# passwd odoo11

You can change odoo11 to whatever username you want.

Then Install Python3’s packages and libraries which required for Odoo11 installation.

Download this packages for the Debian from here:

If you are on amd64:

if you are on i386 plateform:
$ sudo dpkg -i python3-qrcode_5.3-1_all.deb

$ sudo dpkg -i python3-pyldap_2.4.25.1-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb

$ sudo dpkg -i python3-vobject_0.9.3-3_all.deb

Now, we can log in as the Odoo11 user and set up odoo11.

This scripts shows you how to install odoo11 from source in a Debian system:

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade # Install system updates
$ sudo apt-get install git # Install Git
$ mkdir ~/odoo11 # Create a directory to work in
$ cd ~/odoo11 # Go into our work directory
$ git clone -b 11.0 # Get Odoo11 source code 
$ ./odoo/setup/ setup_deps # Add dependencies for odoo
$ ./odoo/setup/ setup_pg # Add user to Postgresql

To start an Odoo Server instance, just run odoo-bin.


Congratulations, now you can create your first database and start using Odoo 11 applications!


6 thoughts on “How to install Odoo11 – Community version?

  1. David Martin says:

    Hello likanPatra,
    Everything is ok until this step:
    ./odoo/setup/ setup_deps # Add dependencies for odoo

    bash: ./odoo/setup/ No existe el archivo o el directorio

    I have taken a look and i have but i cant find anywhere…Please could you advice?

    Thanks in advance!

    Liked by 1 person

    • insafamrani says:

      Hello David,

      I see that the script has a lot of updated in github repository after I’ve written this post-blog tutorial. within 8 hours I will notify you of further updates.


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